WESC has recently worked on a project funded by GIZ-ACCWaM Project in October 2014. We have trained 10 Public School Teachers and Leaders from Educate-Me Centre using physical, cognitive, and child-centered approaches as well as giving teaching tips, real-life case studies, and interactive exercises so staff can apply teaching concepts.
WESC has also worked with 35 students from Khaled Ibn EL Waleed School in Talbeya on Climate Change and Water issues. We integrated lessons with existing classroom study then brought students to WESC to re-enforce these lessons with hands-on, experiment based field studies that bring to life what the child is taught at school.
As a result we have so far reached 35 students, who in turn can educate their classmates, peers, and families and trained 5 National School teachers and 4 Educate- Me staff on how to successfully integrate outdoor and environmental science techniques into their classroom and schoolyard, cross-cutting disciplines, and reaching more students through the application of multiple intelligence and learning style techniques.
To ensure the sustainability of the project WESC is planning to do a local presentation with the students in a public authority to present their local issues on water and solid waste.